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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Open Letter to Lisa Gretzky and the NDP on the issue of Antiblack Racism Inside the Ontario Public Service

Today is the last day of Black History month, an extra day because of leap year. I’m using this unusual day to bring attention to something else unusual – the absolute silence from the NDP on the issue of racism inside the Ontario Public Service.

Why does the Ontario NDP no longer care about black workers? This is the party of Howard McCurdy. I’m a Windsor guy, but only had the pleasure of meeting McCurdy once. When I was a child, I played piano at an Emancipation Day talent show in Amherstburg. It showed me how important the area is for black history and helped me believe there was a place for black people in politics. McCurdy fought for us.

Which is why, Lisa, I’ve been so confused by your lack of support. Why doesn’t the current NDP have the same passion for dismantling anti-black racism?

Only this morning I read about your plea for the children on Ontario. You stated:

"When will the premier act to ensure that children and youth with complex needs in Windsor have the mental health supports they need in Windsor?"

I ask you the same question. When will the NDP act to ensure that black workers inside the OPS have a safe work environment, free from harassment, free from the fear they will be terminated if they speak out.

The issue with mental health supports is messy and will take a great deal of time and resources to fix. Ensuring the safety of black workers inside the province of Ontario, however, could be solved with a single news conference. 

Help me be the last black worker fired from the province of Ontario for speaking out about antiblack racism.


In brief, my name is Joseph Murphy. I am a writer, director and former publisher. 

I am a witch who worships the divine as Mother. I am currently directing a feminist horror movie (Devil’s Mountain - where no women die and the killer only targets abusive men). I’m also the host of Alien Brain Fog, a podcast on dismantling systems of oppression. It focuses on systemic racism and patriarchy, discussing how oppression has physical effects on physiology and mental health.

During the last election, I canvassed for Gemma Grey-Hall, the NDP candidate in my area. I asked her how one becomes a leader and she gave me a whole masterclass in realness. She told me: "If you want to lead, lead. Don’t wait for others to give you permission." She also told me to learn as much as I can about governance, which I continue to do.

Since there is little money in the arts, I also had a day job. I was a caseworker at ODSP -  Windsor, a union steward and co-head of Tomorrow’s Ontario Public Service (TOPS) – an organization focused on training future leaders. 

I was also being harassed by Rachel Cohen-Kusmiercyzk, manager at ODSP – Windsor. It was previously my belief that she was related to Member of Parliament, Irek Kusmierczyk, and that was the reason she was being protected. I’ve since realized the problem is deeper than that.

Within only a few years, two black caseworkers left the OPS under mysterious circumstances. Even as a union steward, I was not privy to the details of their leaving. When the harassment against me started (in email form), I filed a grievance. This was back in 2021, three years ago. I informed Rachel’s manager, Melissa Kersey, there was a problem. Then I waited for my grievance date to arrive. It was scheduled for January 2022. 

In 2023, I learned two black women at work were also being harassed, after I had already informed Melissa Kersey of the problem. Nothing was being done to protect black workers. I was fired without cause and without notice just before my scheduled grievance date. I am certain this will scare the other black employees in the office into silence. Which is appauling.

Only the managers are protected.

You do not have to take my word for it. You simply need to look at the evidence.


I am concerned about the province using public funds to supress reports of antiblack racism. A private company has limited resources. Fines for wrongful dismissal could be a disincentive. The province, however, has seemingly bottomless pockets. This explains the cavalier attitude of the union (OPSEU) and the callous behaviours of the civil service. They believe they can buy off anyone that complains with a small amount of money.

But they could not buy my silence. Because of the harassment and the termination, I had to sell my house. That means I have a certain amount of disposable income right now. I am in the perfect position to see this grievance through to the end. I am 100% convinced that anyone who looks at the evidence will see I am telling the truth.

Which may be why the Province of Ontario keeps pushing my arbitration dates further and further into the future. I have checked with my lawyers and the union. None of them have the power to hold our government to account. But you do.


When I stated I was physically unable to attend an allegation meeting, the province called the police on me. The told the union they were concerned I was violent threat, but told the police it was a wellness check. In my mental state at the time, I perceived this as a threat on my life. You can see my response in the video below.

Later, the province accused me in writing of sending inappropriate videos to underage girls. The truth? A former coworker at ODSP told me one of the manager’s daughter’s found my videos’ on TikTok. It was framed in a way to imply I was grooming a minor. The letter stated they had contacted the police to file a report. I contacted the police and verified no such report had been made.

It felt like the province was weaponizing the police department, implying I would be charged with a crime and/or imprisoned if my behaviour didn’t stop. Unfortunately for the province, I taught business law and human resources for over a decade. I know my rights.

But my boyfriend got scared. He wanted them to stop calling the police on me. I knew the best way to do that is to act crazy. So I thought about aliens. Everyone knows if you believe in aliens you’re crazy, right? So in March 2023, I came up with the concept for Alien Brain Fog – a science-based program focused on gaslighting and how to tell fact from fiction. And it seems to have worked. Ever since I started talking about aliens, the province stopped using the police to threaten me. You can see in the videos below the effect this had on my wellbeing.

Then in July 2023, the United States held a congressional hearing that presented evidence aliens might actually be real after all. It seems they have been gaslighting the public about aliens the same way they have been gaslighting us about racism. Making it more important than ever for me to speak up.


It is likely, Lisa, you do not remember officiating my wedding. Maybe it was not you who stated you couldn’t help me back on Aug 10, 2023. Perhaps it was only an automatic response from an aide. You have little reason to trust me, but the black workers of Ontario need your help.

So let me prove my case. If you review the following, you can see I am who I say I am.

Author Website:

Below is a link with a video showing who I am and why I spoke out. 

It also has the email string showing how the WDHP actively works to suppress evidence of racism. They altered reports after I signed them. Every time I have tried to present my evidence, they have delayed the hearings. It has been going on for years.

It happened again just a few weeks ago. The Ford government keeps changing my grievance dates and refuses to release my employment file because they want the evidence to go away. If you stay silent on this, they win.


Review the evidence. As a sign of good faith, I have agreed not to publish the items revealed through disclosure until the grievance has finished. I have sent you copies of my performance reviews as well as the letter I sent the arbitrator. Please do no make this public. Reviewing these will mean you don’t have to take my word for it.

There is a problem at ODSP Windsor. A manager is harassing black workers and having them fired when they speak up. I was the third. I fear I will not be the last.

It is within your power to ensure no other black workers are fired from the OPS. All it needs is your voice. Bring the same passion to my evidence as you did for the mental health of children in Windsor and help expose how the civil services is suppressing black workers.

I ask you to either:
  1. Review my case. Look at the evidence I’ve provided. Decide if I’m telling the truth or not. And if I am telling the truth, if the civil service is truly suppressing evidence of antiblack racism, what is the NDP going to do about it?

  2. Bring up the issue of anti-black racism and the suppression of evidence the same way you brought up the lack of funding for mental health resources. On the floor. Show the black workers on Ontario that their health and safety is important to the NDP

  3. Use me as a resource. Recent polling suggests the Ford government is still leading in the polls. This is ludicrous because the people of Ontario are begging for a change. They are desperate for a leader to step up and hold the powerful to account. By showing the people of Ontario how the civil service is altering reports to “fudge” numbers, you could bring the entire government down. I have the evidence. All I need is someone with the power to make change.


I’ve been in Windsor a long time and have met several leaders of the NPD. If memory serves me right, Rick Limoge was my neighbour for a few years in the Villages of Windsor, before he joined city council. I met Joe Comartin through a mutual acquaintance (Adrian Jones – sadly now deceased). You were the officiant at my wedding and, as I’ve stated previously, I campaigned for Gemma Grey-Hall during the last election.

Many problems in the world today are complex. The health and safety of black workers is not one of them. If black workers are not safe working INSIDE the government, how can they expect the government to protect them at private industries? By shining on a light on what has happened to me and others, you can ensure it stops happening. 

All it takes is an act of courage.

For Janelle Brady - The best part of writing this letter was learning about your work. I will be watching your "Learning About Racism" series tomorrow. It lines up nicely with the work I hope to do on Alien Brain Fog. Thank you for leading the way.


1 comment:

  1. Your post was fantastic! Your ideas are intriguing. Keep up the good work and write more!


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