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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Ballad of the Nain Rouge (An Original Song)

While researching the Nain Rouge for my movie, Devil's Mountain, I decided the little guy need an epic ballad. Until the demo is done, you can sing along to the tune of the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The meter is similar.

Ballad of The Nain Rouge

Come one, come all hear the fairytale song of the good fae called the nain rouge.

With red ruby skin, small horns and a grin, the nain is a promise of freedom.

If you take time to be extra kind the nain will shield you from danger.

But if you see red and chose violence instead the nain will curse you forever.


Nain Rouge x 2


Antoine Laumet took on a new name and became de la Mothe Cadillac.

One night in New France, Cadillac at a dance met a woman, a teller of fortunes. 

She told him you'll meet an angel of peace who looks like the devil incarnate. 

Promise to be kind or I'm certain you'll find a life of endless disaster.


Nain Rouge x 2


She warned when you meet the demon of the strait embrace him for he is your brother.

With porcelain skin, soft lips and a grin, she promised him fortune immortal.

Be kind to the fae and together create a Paris for the New World.

But if you're unkind to the fae you will find misfortune follows forever.


Nain Rouge x 2 


After the dance Cadillac took a chance on the fur trade in the New World. 

People were slain but a fortune was made and they needed a fort to secure it.

Fort Pontchartain de Detroit was the name of the city he founded for riches.

In 1701 his fortune was won but the warning had long been forgotten.


Nain Rouge x 2


In 1710 Cadillac saw an imp, beneath the full moon, dancing.

With red ruby skin, small horns and a grin, the nain danced with joy and a fury.

Scared out of his mind, Cadillac was inclined to use his cane as a weapon. 

The nain danced away, with a laugh and a wave saying "human, you will be sorry." 


Nain Rouge x 2


A gift from the fae can be taken away as easily as it is given.

Rumours were spread of corruption and theft and the nain put a curse on the city.

Cadillac was fired, his fate it was dire. He was forced to live with his family. 

His fortune was gone but the legend lives on of the red dwarf who promised us glory.


Nain Rouge x 2


Detroit is a jewel in the midwest for sure a fairytale waiting to happen

All it will take is one magical day for the fae to forgive our anger

Now every spring, the good people sing in the streets with joy and with laughter

For colour of skin does not describe sin. Be kind to all God's creations. 


Nain Rouge x 2

Choose Love. Choose Love (Nain Rouge) to fade out 

Copyright 2024 M Joseph Murphy (with Michael Poupard)

From the Soundtrack for Devil's Mountain

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