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Friday, October 18, 2013

Thomas Rydder Blogger Book Blitz - Restless Souls and The Clearing

Thomas Rydder's newest release, Restless Souls, is available now. To help him celebrate, I'm taking part in his blogger book blitz.

Restless Souls

1. "Do Unto Others" (short story) - Jeremy is a street hood, lawless and unchained. When he is wronged by a local businessman, it becomes his mission to seek revenge. But his new enemy has friends - ones that don't take kindly to intruders.

2. "Colors" (short story) - Harrison Street. attorney, biker wannabe, coward. When he finds the bike of his dreams, it seems too good to be true. It is.

3. "Simona Says" (novella) - Simona has had it rough. Death, disenchantment, and disappointment are all part of her life. She wants to be happy for a change, and she's willing to do just about anything to find some. Anything.

Restless Souls Available Now: Smashwords or Amazon for Kindle

The Clearing

A small town in western Pennsylvania – quaint, simple, peaceful. That is, until The Elder takes up residence. He has an agenda – one that is 1,000 years old, and cannot be denied. One that will change the lives of many – and end the lives of any who interfere.

The Clearing Available Now: Amazon


I was born in 1957 in a small town in Western Pennsylvania that had - and still has - one traffic light. There wasn't a whole lot to do there, and we had few neighbors, so I learned to play quite a bit of make-believe - soldiers, cowboys and Indians, that kind of thing. At the same time, I loved to read and watch old movies. On Saturdays, my dad played in a country western band, and I stayed up to wait for him. It was during that stretch that I discovered the horror movie. You know the ones I mean. Karloff, Chaney, Lee. The masters, right?

Fast forward 40 years. I'm now the project manager for a small civil engineering firm in picturesque Charleston, South Carolina with my lovely wife and four rescue pets, two dogs, two cats. Oh - and eight feral cats outside that put up with us because we give them two squares a day.

Anyway, since childhood, I've loved to create. I played trumpet, sang, even dabbled in genealogy. Nothing quite did it for me. Over the years, I'd composed quite a few term papers and theses (there are a few ex-teenagers in this world who owe their English grades to yours truly), and unfailingly earned an "A". My wife knew this, and one day just suggested that I try writing.

What the hey, I thought. So I sat down and found a writing site called Hubpages. Nice little site, and I started getting the basics of writing a little from some of the inhabitants. I wrote a short story, and everyone liked it. So, I wrote another one. Except it kept growing, and I kept getting more ideas, and it lengthened to 20 thousand words, then 30, then 40. By the time I sat back, I had the rough draft of my first novel, except back then it was called "Werewolves and Flapjacks". Somewhere along the way I decided to submit my work (now called "The Clearing) to three publishers. I was turned down twice, and miraculously was accepted by the gentleman who gently rules this site, Mr. Tim Taylor. And the rest, as they say, is history. By the way, you need to like Tim...he's a great guy, and I owe him much, which can never be repaid.

I now have a second book available - “Restless Souls: 3 dark fables” - an anthology (novella and two short stories) of ghost stories, and life is grand. 

Even though I make wise cracks about all of it, this is all like living a dream - and I don't plan on waking up for a very long time.

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  12. ​I recently came across your post featuring Thomas Rydder's works, "Restless Souls" and "The Clearing." Your insights into his storytelling are compelling, and I'm eager to delve into these narratives. Thank you for highlighting such intriguing reads!​


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