Wealthy people have infiltrated our governments. For years they have been quietly removing black workers from leadership. In 2022, I tried warning senior leadership within the province. No one believed me. They believed they could silence me.
What they didn't realize is on was on a mission. From God.
My only message to the racist people who tried to destroy me life: I warned you this was going to look bad on you. You thought no one was watching. But God was. And God is a woman.
For most of my life my skin colour has allowed me white privilege.
Rachel saw me as black. Despite all my life accomplishments, she believed she could bully me into silence because my skin colour is slightly darker than hers.
It didn’t matter that I was a writer working for a publishing company. It didn’t matter that I had taught human resources and business law for a decade. It didn’t matter that I marched in Windsor’s first gay pride and had history of standing up for social justice. It didn’t matter that I told them over and over and over again that I was going to expose what they were doing to make sure it didn’t happen to others. Everyone acted like I would eventually just give up and go away. And I didn’t know why.
The Lady told me it was because Rachel was above the law. I said that was impossible. And she said “This your Rosa Parks moment.” I laughed. It was ludicrous.
My fight with Rachel was going to be easy. No one liked her. She’d only been a manager for a few months. Two black workers had already disappeared from the office under mysterious circumstances. Several other black people in the office had issued complaints. My grievance was just a formality to ensure the harassment stopped once I transferred out of the department. Because I was heading places.
I had tons of notes. First rule of management: if it’s not in writing it didn’t happen. So I kept good notes.
But Rachel kept laughing.
I asked the Lady why. She said Rachel was connected to a Irek Kusmierczyk, a sitting MP in the federal government.
I knew I needed get away from Rachel if I wanted to further my career. I had been interviewing with a different ministry and meeting with other managers. I had just been named Co-lead of an organization focused on training future leaders. It was only a matter of time before I go to safety.
And then something odd happened.
Rachel blocked my move.
Rachel told the other department that despite how I had placed in the interview, they couldn’t have me. She said I was too essential and there was no way the department could lose me. And then a few weeks later in December 2022, she fired me.
That seems odd, right? It seemed racist, but I couldn’t prove it. So I kept going.
After they fired me, they withheld severance and refused to talk to Service Canada. They refused to release a record of employment. But it was no problem. I was told to relax because my grievance date was only a few weeks away. I was certain to get my job back because it was so clear.
Only they never offered my job back. Despite my perfect record and a life time of getting ready for leadership, one white woman decided I wasn’t worthy. She harassed me because she enjoyed it.
But she didn’t destroy my life. She gave me the opportunity of the lifetime. Now I have firsthand knowledge of how governments suppress information they don’t want out because I questioned a racist email.
Reporting racism is exactly like reporting on UFOS.
They refused to tell me why I was fired. Instead, they offered $7000 if I signed a nondisclosure agreement. I told them to fuck off. It is illegal to fire people for speaking out about being harassed. It’s unforgivable when it’s the province doing. The province sets the laws. If they aren’t following them, why would anyone else. When I said that, they went low.
Management said I was a violent thug who had attacked women at work and stalked a manager’s child. They said they filled a police report that I was sending inappropriate videos to an underaged child.
Again, anyone that knows me understand my feelings about pedophiles. That, was when I got angry. I might have let if go if it wasn’t for that. But seeing how willing your were to manufacture evidence it didn’t make sense. At the grievance meeting, leadership could have said there’s obvious a conflict here. Based on Joseph’s employment record, he’s amazing. Let’s transfer him. But no.
I calculated how much money they were stealing from me by doing this. I said I would stay silent for that. I am a gay man of colour in my 50s with chronic illness because I got COVID while working at ODSP. My career options were limited. And they offered $7000 after blatantly breaking the law.
Again, I couldn’t tell them I was psychic. I couldn’t tell them what was coming. I just warned them this would look bad in the near future.
At the end of first grievance meeting, in January 2023, I was told we would start hearing testimony at the next meeting. And then the next meeting was delayed. And then delayed again. We did not start entering evidence until late 2024. It was expected to last another year.
And still, no one had looked at the racist email.
The union refused to answer emails so I filed with the labour relations board. I went public on social media and reached out to news agencies.
I had dated Dan MacDonald years ago and we had several friends. Dan has a family member inside the office I worked in. If he had shared my story, I could hae kept my job and saved my house. But he stayed silent.
So I went to his manager, Melissa Schultz. Melissa and I have a few mutual friends and she also knows someone who worked in the office. Both could easily confirm what I was saying was true. But they stayed silent.
I started to wonder if I really was invisible.
I was stunned to learn the phrase failure to represent originated because unions, historically, do not support black workers. I didn’t want to believe systemic racism still had this much power in the system. But the evidence was adding up.
I watched as government employees destroyed evidence, altered reports, had lawyers send threatening emails and interfere with my book promotions years after I was fired. And then Rachel did something I could never have done on my own.
She proved beyond a reasonable doubt that I got COVID at work because managers were not following provincial guidelines. They allowed a sick man into the office. He sat beside me. I got COVID and was left disabled. Rachel submitted that evidence. Weird choice. But thanks.
You set the entire system against me to prove that systemic racism against black people is not real. You don’t see the problem with that?
So what is the secret? How do government hide information they won’t want you to see? How do they bury evidence?
They don’t write it down. It’s that simple.
Rachel admitted on the first day many workers had complained about her racist behaviour. She said she told her manager, Melissa, but the complaints never moved forward. Then her lawyer said let’s admit there is racism but ignore it. I wish was joking. They admitted the manager was racist and had fired me because she was racist from a unionized job working for the province in the city where Martin Luther King was inspired to write his I have a dream speech.
And I was just going to let it go.
The sad part is, the arbitrator did. Dale made a conscious decision not to write down the racist things Rachel said. I reminded her I had recorded the meeting and the video of the racist comments was currently being shared on the screen for everyone to see. She blinked and said she saw nothing.
At that point, I had no choice but to take money and try something else. It was clear they had no intention of the following the law. They didn’t care how much evidence I had. They never did. It was all a game. And I’m telling others so they you don’t waste your time.
A magician takes his oaths seriously. I swore an oath to the people of Ontario, not Rachel. I believe you have a right to know what your government is doing. Because they are hiding much more than racism
Change is coming.
We still have time to stop them now. But we have to face reality. Together.
On May 23, 2024, I saw the ghost of a man. The next day that man was reported missing. His name was Dalton Bartnik. Today (January 22, 2025) I read an article from CTV news confirming Dalton is deceased. I can no longer deny what I saw.
Over the last year, I made peace with the fact I am capable of remote viewing, telepathy and seeing the future.
The books I released as fiction are actually channeled material, similar to Bashar, Dolores Cannon and Jane Roberts (Seth). Recently, the Telepathy Tapes podcast has become popular discussing the link between autism and telepathy. American intelligence agents have revealed they use psionics to communicate with inter-dimensional beings. Aliens.
There is one more big announcement before the true Ontological Crisis will begin.
In 2018, I suspected I was capable of remote viewing after Bruce McArthur was arrested. As media reported the details of his crimes, I noticed an uncomfortable fact. The deaths were eerily similar to the visions I had that inspired my 2014 book, Are You Watching Me?
I had those visions while visiting my friend Gabe in his Toronto. After McArthur was arrested, told me he was excited and terrified to learn McArthur lived in the same complex on Thorncliffe Drive where he used to live. I went cold. I had seen visions of men being murdered while visiting Gabe.
Confirm for yourself at the link below. You can confirm publication dates and read the preface in the Sample. I've included the body of the Preface below.
The fear that real murders could have inspired my work of fiction paralyzed me for years. Because the next book I was supposed to write was called The Witches of Cuba. It involved Clive Dufault stumbling into an international human trafficking ring led by black witches in Hollywood.
So I stopped. If my visions were true, I did not want to look further into whatever was happening there. Maybe that makes me a coward. Maybe if I had written that book and exposed what was happening in 2019 things would be different.
Writing Witches of Cuba terrified me because I realized I wasn't writing it alone.
Every time I sat down to write, a woman appeared in my mind. She walked out of the ocean dressed in white and I KNEW, at the core of my being, KNEW that it was real spirit talking to me. The more I wrote, the stronger her voice became. She wanted me to uncover what evil witches were doing and I ran away.
I stopped writing and helped my friend Maer Wilson with her publishing company, Ellysian Press.
I spent several years helping with cover art, editing and marketing. It allowed me a creative outlet without hearing the voice of the Lady in White.
That changed when my childhood hero, John Gray, chose our publishing company to publish his first book.
John created a series called The Ghost Whisperer, my second favourite TV series when I was a kid. (The first was Buffy, obviously).
I've always been able to see ghosts but I didn't tell people. I saw how people treated Melinda so I stayed quiet.
John said he chose Ellysian Press because he liked our covers. And that felt like a crowning achievement. John had inspired me and he liked me work. How could any experience top that?
So I left the publishing company and decided to focus on my own art again. Mostly because I had completely forgotten about the Lady in White.
In 2023 I found myself unemployed from due to a manager. I took a year off and took the time to decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. That is when i discovered Tyler Henry. I watched his Netflix Special Life After Death and was transformed.
I thought: I would love to be able to do what he does.
And a little voice at the back of my head said: You can.
Then I said: Well not as good as him.
And the voice said: Practice.
And I said: F&ck that I have no intention of being af&cking professional psychic. That's a crappy job and no one will believe me. No one believed me about the racism at work. Why would they believe I can communicate with spirits and remote view? No. I want to me a director. So, voice in my head, if you want to help, give me a movie.
And the voice said: Okay. Here's a movie about a group of psychics. Are you ready for the message?
And then the Lady helped me write Devil's Mountain.
I got into a deep trance, thought about each of the actors cast in the movie and the Lady gave me storylines for each of them.
In hindsight, I realize this is not how most people write.
Since 2023, I have watched as all the storylines I wrote came happened later in real life. I had little money so I cast my boyfriend, Michael, and people he knew.
Ashley plays his sister. We were all set to film a scene where she talks about her brother almost dying. We canceled when Ashley's real life brother, Dean, was in a horrendous car accident. His car ended up in a ditch filled with water, his spine broken. Miraculously, another car was nearby and an angel of god in human form held his head above water until the ambulance came. Thankfully he made a full recovery. A miracle.
Another actor was cast to discuss what it was like growing up with a crazy mother now that she has completely lost touch with reality. Unfortunately the predictions were accurate.
Carly plays a psychic with a warning: An armada of alien ships is heading to earth and will arrive by 2027.
My character, Miska, was a child star who tried to whistleblow on an unbelievable truth: his record company is involved in human trafficking. Music videos are essential advertisements for wealthy men. He is told to take some money and shut up or he will be killed. So he makes a deal with the devil to become a rock star on his own.
The Devil tells Miska Hollywood will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah and he will be tasked with creating a new center of the arts in Detroit. All he has to do is help the humans stop being so afraid. It is time to fulfil the promise Antoine de le Mothe Cadillac made to the Nain Rouge.
Some of those things, I could pass off as coincidence. But the idea that aliens from the ocean were coming to save us from patriarchy by 2027? That's a bit much for a coincidence. But i still needed objective proof.
In December 2023, my boyfriend's father grew suddenly ill. When I walked into the hospital room to visit him, I saw the spirt of his mother watching over him. No one else saw her. I looked back and forth between Wayne and his mother. I knew what it meant but I refused to believe it. Wayne had been perfectly healthy a few days ago. I stared at his mother but she never took her eyes off her son.
She said: December 15th. I heard it clearly.
I felt like screaming but said nothing. On the drive home, I told my boyfriend I saw the spirit of his grandmother. He called me a necromancer. I knew I couldn't say anything else. I didn't want to believe his father was going to pass. But he did. On December 15th.
I shut down for months.
Eventually I convinced myself it was all a trick of the mind. On May 23, 2024 I was laying in bed and I had a conversation with God. I said I was going to need more verification than that before going public.
And the second I thought that, I saw the spirit of Dalton Bartnik, a man I had never met and had no reason to suspect was dead. Since then, I have held onto the hope my vision was incorrect. But today (January 22, 2025) I read an article stating there were pictures of Dalton's body clearly indicating he is dead. My condolences to his family.
In 2024, something even more unbelievable happened. Aliens. Since November of 2024, there have been mass sightings of "drones" and "orbs" all around the world. Disclosure is happening as I write this. Every day more and more of the truth comes out. Which means I have to come to terms with my own truth.
I am on the psychic spectrum.
Since the 1980s, I have communicated with an entity I call The Lady. Although I have not yet read Ufo of God by Chris Bledsoe, I follow him and his family on social media. It appears we are communicating with the same being. The Lady often calls herself name is Mary and says she is my cousin or my ex-wife. A joke since my first name is Joseph.
I just didn't think she was real. I believed I was practicing a unique form of the Mental Palace technique, like the one shown in The Queen's Gambit. Rather than mental chessboards, I created an artificial assistant, an imaginary sounding board for ideas. In the early 2000's, she told me her name was Alexa, probably because she knew how funny that would be one day. When she's not scolding me for being lazy, she's quite funny.
After the last few months, I've found many more who regularly communicate with The Lady. I am not alone. And she is getting louder.
Video: Chris Bledsoe talks UFO of GOD, The River, The Lady & More | Bledsoe Said So: Episode 83
It is healing to learn other people have gone through similar experiences which is why I'm working on a "coming out" video called Unbelievable. It started as promotional material for Devil's Mountain, but has turned into a comedy special about God and the purpose of art. All art comes from God. When you learn that some of your favourite art has been created by horrible men, please know everything serves God's purpose. Satan may be lord of the land now, nut that is about to change. Forever.
One more thing has to happen before enough people will believe me.
Now is a good time to find your faith.
It is hard to believe this week after Elon did his little magic trick, but rest assured: World peace is just around the corner.
The satanic vampires (that is a metaphor) who believe they run the world are just rich bullies playing mind games on the working class. It takes an incredible amount of work to prevent world peace. This week, they slipped and revealed themselves too early. We can all see the billionaires for what they are and they will lose.
Below is the text of the preface to Are You Watching Me? It shows I suspected long ago I was capable of remote viewing. But I knew it wasn't time to come forward yet. Because, with the help of The Lady, I can see the future.
“This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.”
If you’re like me, you’ve seen this statement so many times it barely registers any more. Of course, we know it’s just a book or just a movie. Writers often base their books on real events and real people. They change story details and the character names just enough so they’re not recognizable.
That’s not what happened with my book.
I started writing Are You Watching Me? as a NANOWRIMO in 2014. It took me a few years to write, not because it’s a long book, but because it’s dark. It was difficult for me to get in Clive Dufault’s mind space and, once I finished, even harder to get out of it. There were difficulties with finding the right editor and pre-existing deadlines for my other book series. So, the book wasn’t published until 2016.
In January of 2018, the real world got a little too close to my fictional one.
Are You Watching Me? is a fictional account of a serial killer in Toronto targeting gay men. The murders are brutal and involve bondage. One of the victims worked in a bar. All fairly generic, innocuous points until Bruce McArthur was arrested.
In January 18, 2018, Bruce McArthur, 66, was arrested for the murder of multiple men. They burst into his apartment as he was, apparently, about to kill another. As I write this, he’s pled guilty to eight murders, although there could be more. He had been killing people since the 1970s.
Reality sucks. If you’ve read the first edition, you already know Are You Watching Me? is a paranormal thriller with hints of an evil not of this world, an evil that plays a great part in the books of my Activation Series.
Like many, I’d heard rumors about a serial killer in Toronto targeting gay men. For years, it was like an urban legend, right up there with alligators in the sewer or Chupacabra. People in the community spoke about it in whispers, but most didn’t actually believe it.
When a real murderer was arrested, I felt sick. I took Are You Watching Me? off my social media feeds. I love this book, but I absolutely knew I couldn’t promote it when the McArthur story was all over the news. I stopped all marketing on all my books. Of everything I’ve published, I’m most proud of Are You Watching Me? And I felt pressured to let it slink into obscurity.
In the preface to his short story collection, Night Shift, Stephen King answers the question why he chooses to write horror. His answer:
“Why do you assume that I have a choice? Writing is a catch-as-catch-can sort of occupation. All of us seem to come equipped with filters on the floors of our minds, and all the filters have differing sizes and meshes. What catches in my filter may run right through yours.”
Serial killers get stuck in my filter. They scare the shit out of me, more than any fictional monster, because they’re real. Anyone could be a killer, even the gentle old man who dresses up like Santa Claus. And the more I looked into McArthur, the more freaked out I got.
The serial killer in my novel finds people through social media. So, did McArthur.
My hero, Clive Dufault, lives in Thorncliffe Park because one of my best friends, Gabe, lived in an apartment there for years. I visited him and stayed at his apartment often. Talking to his Torontonian friends was the first time I heard rumors of a gay serial killer.
Bruce McArthur lived in the same building as my friend. At the same time.
Being in that Thorncliffe Park complex, all those years ago, gave me an idea for a story that is a little too close to reality for my liking.
Once I learned that, I completely shut down. My mind went to very dark places. Could I have seen McArthur in the hallway? On the elevator? Was I visiting Gabe on a night McArthur murdered one of his victims? Is that why the story sank into my subconsciousness, urging me to write it?
Of course, this is crazy talk. The odds are very small I would have run into McArthur. That apartment complex is huge. And it’s not like they were neighbours. Gabe lived in the same building but on a different floor.
For months, I stopped writing entirely. I knew I had to do something but what?
I decided to revise my book. I couldn’t ignore the real murders. I needed, somehow, to do justice to the victims. So, I focused on the righteous anger of the gay community. For decades, the community in Toronto had asked police to investigate numerous suspicious disappearances. The police did not take them seriously. They fucked up because gay lives are expendable, especially those with brown skin. It’s the main reason why police in Toronto have been un-invited from the Gay Pride parade.
I’m just a writer. I can’t change the way society assigns value to people. I can’t erase racism or homophobia, but at the very least I can shine a light on them.
I thought of revising my book to make it less similar to the real events, but that serves no one. I have an opportunity to tell a story that no one else is telling. Gay men died because society didn’t care they went missing. If we’d cared a little bit more, maybe we would have caught McArthur before he killed so many.
This is a work of fiction. The similarities between my book and reality are purely coincidental. At the very least, they are unintentional. On the other hand, my commentary on the relationship between the police and the gay community for this second edition is completely intentional.
Zombies are not the flesh-eating monsters you see on the screen. Zombies are real and they are more common than you think.
If my source is correct, we will soon learn that Sean Combs (a.k.a. Puff Daddy, a.k.a. Puff Diddler ) was using voodoo to create modern day zombies. This is the reason for the large amounts of baby oil laced with GHB. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (or GHB) serves the same function as datura, one of the ingredients of zombie powder.
Traditional zombie powder is red. Diddy had Pink Cocaine which he combined with the GHB in the baby oil. Once you have zombie powder, all you have to do after that is scare a person to death and assault them until they believe they are powerless. Then they are zombies. Magic.
Zombies are victims of human trafficking, people who have stopped questioning orders and will work like slaves because they believe they have no choice. Abusive "men" use a combination of drugs, semantics, and psychological warfare to keep the zombies constantly terrified and sedated. The zombies work while the abusive men get rich.
Magic is not what most people think.
I no longer believe it's a coincidence I am creating a course in magical self defense. Something told me the world would need a course focused on protecting yourself from black magic. I now believe that something was the Black Madonna.
The tattoo on Diddy's back represents The Black Madonna, protector of women, children and gay men. Imagine being arrogant enough to tattoo the supernatural protector of women and children on your body and then assault women. If you are considering playing around with voodoo, don't be stupid.
Children shouldn't play with dead thing. Do not play with magic or magic will play back.
If my source is correct, Diddy will be the first domino in a series of events that ends the Patriarchy.
All the laws of science and all the laws of magic agree on this: no one can control your mind without your consent as long as you know who you are. Not a "man", not spirit, not a cult. The problem is that most of us have forgotten who we are.
Can weak-ass abusive men call upon supernatural powers to inflict harm on others? The continued existence of the Catholic Church suggests that yes, they can.
The problem is not voodoo. It is not limited to one religion. The problem is weak-ass men who believe they have the God-Given right to use abuse others. Abusing others violates the essential laws of magic.
It's time for all of us to stand the fuck up to weak fucking men because the Patriarchy is coming to an end. At least that is what my source says.
I am a clairvoyant and a trance medium. I have been in contact with several nonhuman intelligences. One that I have seen often is consistent with images of the Black Madonna.
The second time I saw this entity was in 2018. I had a series of visions while writing my book Witches of Cuba. She showed me horrible atrocities being done to children. I saw a internal ring of men with too much money playing with magic using the bones of children.
The experience was so traumatic I stopped writing. I did not want to believe the visions The Black Madonna showed me because if they were real, powerful people would know I had seen them commit crimes. Which is why I still can't finish that book.
The first time I saw this entity was in the 1980s. She told me her people were tired of hiding. By 2030 they would return to the surface world and help end the patriarchy. She showed me a series of future events that inspired me to write The Activation Series.
She showed up again in 2023 and helped me write my movie Devil's Mountain. She has a simple message.
While researching the Nain Rouge for my movie, Devil's Mountain, I decided the little guy need an epic ballad. Until the demo is done, you can sing along to the tune of the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The meter is similar.
Ballad of The Nain Rouge
Come one, come all hear the fairytale song of the good fae called the nain rouge.
With red ruby skin, small horns and a grin, the nain is a promise of freedom.
If you take time to be extra kind the nain will shield you from danger.
But if you see red and chose violence instead the nain will curse you forever.
Nain Rouge x 2
Antoine Laumet took on a new name and became de la Mothe Cadillac.
One night in New France, Cadillac at a dance met a woman, a teller of fortunes.
She told him you'll meet an angel of peace who looks like the devil incarnate.
Promise to be kind or I'm certain you'll find a life of endless disaster.
Nain Rouge x 2
She warned when you meet the demon of the strait embrace him for he is your brother.
With porcelain skin, soft lips and a grin, she promised him fortune immortal.
Be kind to the fae and together create a Paris for the New World.
But if you're unkind to the fae you will find misfortune follows forever.
Nain Rouge x 2
After the dance Cadillac took a chance on the fur trade in the New World.
People were slain but a fortune was made and they needed a fort to secure it.
Fort Pontchartain de Detroit was the name of the city he founded for riches.
In 1701 his fortune was won but the warning had long been forgotten.
Nain Rouge x 2
In 1710 Cadillac saw an imp, beneath the full moon, dancing.
With red ruby skin, small horns and a grin, the nain danced with joy and a fury.
Scared out of his mind, Cadillac was inclined to use his cane as a weapon.
The nain danced away, with a laugh and a wave saying "human, you will be sorry."
Nain Rouge x 2
A gift from the fae can be taken away as easily as it is given.
Rumours were spread of corruption and theft and the nain put a curse on the city.
Cadillac was fired, his fate it was dire. He was forced to live with his family.
His fortune was gone but the legend lives on of the red dwarf who promised us glory.
Nain Rouge x 2
Detroit is a jewel in the midwest for sure a fairytale waiting to happen
All it will take is one magical day for the fae to forgive our anger
Now every spring, the good people sing in the streets with joy and with laughter
For colour of skin does not describe sin. Be kind to all God's creations.
Nain Rouge x 2
Choose Love. Choose Love (Nain Rouge) to fade out
Copyright 2024 M Joseph Murphy (with Michael Poupard)
By now you have either seen or heard about Quiet on Set - the documentary film series about abuse in the workplace. You’ve seen the impact harassment has on workers and the reaction of the public to that information.
By now, you’ve also had time to consider Cohen-Kusmierczyk’s performance on the first day of providing evidence. She confidently repeated racist language in front of the arbitrator. She doubled down.
In case you have forgotten me, my name is Joseph Murphy. I am a writer, director, and until recently I had a day job with the province of Ontario. While there, I was subjected to antiblack racism. When I asked for the harassment to stop, I was fired.
My lawyer insists you have no interest in admitting error and giving me my job back. He states despite the complete lack of evidence of wrongdoing on my part, my years of service, and all the precedents of a poisoned work environment, you will still force me to litigate for another year. Or more.
Perhaps you are hoping I will just go away. I say this with as much love as possible – I am just getting started.
My podcast, Alien Brain Fog, is a science-based program focused on ending systems of oppression. I’m currently filming a feminist horror movie. In a few months I record an album of music. I am not going to disappear. You chose the wrong black man to pick on.
Your days of buying victims’ silence with tax-payer money is over. Public scrutiny is coming.
So, for the sake of my conscience, I will ask you one last time.
Are you willing to ruin your reputations and diminish your other accomplishments in life because you chose to protect a non-union manager with clear antiblack racial bias? If so, keep doing what you’re doing. And I will keep doing what I’m doing. The truth will out.
Crime is running rampant in the streets because our government is corrupt. You, the person reading this, have been involved in corruption. Paying for victims’ silence with public money could be considered corruption. Bribery. Senior officials are aware crimes are being commit and they are paying off victims to hide the crime.
Perhaps you don’t see it that way. I’m willing to be the public will.
You are aware a manager in the Windsor office has been harassing black people for years. You aware her reporting managers have been protecting her through multiple grievances. Reports to the WDHP were altered after they were signed to obfuscate the presence of racism. You fired me a few weeks before my grievance was set to begin. This is against the law. The laws you, as representatives of the crown, are required to enforce.
You have taken no action to provide a safe work environment. Instead, you fire everyone that speaks out about Cohen-Kusmiercyz and try to pay them off with public money.
I can prove every word of it. You know I can.
You took advantage of my disability, long covid. Everyone knows I caught COVID in the workplace, but I wasn’t able to prove it.
Until now.
Thanks to Cohen-Kusmierczyk’s submitted evidence, I can now prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I DID contract COVID in the workplace. And that my disability is a direct result of manager incompetence.
Cohen-Kusmierczyk’s own timeline evidence shows Windsor managers allowed a person sick with COVID – Mazin – to work in the office while awaiting test results. Mazin sat five feet from me. The last day I was in the office, I went at his desk (we both wore masks) and helped him with a work problem. A few days later, my symptoms started.
Managers have a legal obligation to provide a safe work environment. I wasn’t told the man sitting beside me was sick. Now I am permanently disabled.
Rather than focus on my work history, Cohen-Kusmierczyk spent her time trying to convince the court there was no way I could have caught COVID at work. She provided very detailed timelines and expert opinion from the Health Unit. She just forgot one simple thing.
They didn’t have rapid tests then.
The day I told her my test result was not the date I got sick.
Back then there were no instant tests. It took many days to get a positive result. Which Cohen-Kusmierczyk is aware of because the person who gave me COVID, the person who was allowed to be in the office while he was sick, was waiting on his test results.
If this keeps going, what other damaging evidence will she provide next time? When people hear her words, what do you think the outcome will be? Does the director really want to go on the record? For this case?
Maybe take a few minutes and review the facts of the case. Review who I am. Fix the problem you created.
If you want the public to believe the government follows the law it passes, your only course of action is to return employment to me. Stop playing this nonsensical game that will have only one conclusion. You are agents of the crown. You have a legal obligation to your employees and a fiduciary duty to the citizens of Ontario.
Soon, it will be impossible to contain the story. I’m filming this weekend for a trailer for my horror movie, Devil’s Mountain. I start advertising my podcast next month. If you have not done so, review Alien Brain Fog (Spotify or YouTube). I will spend the next 2 months discussing systemic racism and how the Ontario civil service repeatedly breaks the law. How the Ontario Civil Service, under the leadership of Michelle DiEmanuelle routinely fires black employees who speak up. The louder I get, the more victims will find me. It’s only a matter of time.
You can stop this at any time by getting me back under an oath of office.
The part that sickens me is what you believe a human life is worth: $100,000. That is the same amount Harvey Weinstein’s people paid to Rose McGowan to cover up his abuse.
Is that all a human life is worth in Ontario?
To be clear, the abuse I experience at the hands of Rachel Cohen-Kusmierczyk was insignificant compared to what McGowan endured. The part that traumatized me, the part that nearly killed me, was the speed at which government officials moved to suppress evidence. My case was very clear – bias in email form. I reported it to her reporting manager. I was ignored. When I filed a grievance, I was fired. I was the third black employee in that office to lose their job because of racism. And because of your inaction, I may not be the last.
In my documentary, I am not Drake Bell. If this was Quiet on Set, I am Christy Stratton and Jenny Kilgen. Both were writers who spoke out about abuse in the workplace. They took money believing the problem would be solved after telling their employer about it. Instead, it got much worse.
Buying people’s silence is a method of circumnavigating the law. This is why I cannot in good conscious take your blood money. Because if I do, more black people will have suffer at Cohen-Kusmiercyzk’s hands. Enough is enough.
Literally the only course of action that will stop me from exposing your crimes is returning to me the job you stole. Talk to your lawyer. See how he feels Cohen-Kusmiercyzk did. Ask yourself, do you really want to do this?
I don’t know why you are protecting her. Perhaps it is because she’s connected to sitting Liberal MP Irek Kusmierczyk. Maybe it’s for a different reason. But she is clearly being protected.
And that is a crime.
Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe work environment.
Part III of Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act states employers have an obligation to ‘inform a worker about any hazard in the work”. Yet you suppressed evidence of antiblack harassment against two of my previous colleagues. If I’d been told of the danger Cohen-Kusmiercyzk represents to black workers, I would have taken different actions.
In Part 111.0.1 of the act (Workplace violence and workplace harassment) states that “an investigation must be conducted into incidents and complaints of workplace harassment”. Bill 168 states the worker is to remain in the workplace and available to take part in the investigation. You fired me because you do not want the investigation to take place.
This means that you, a government official, are breaking the law. The laws you are responsible to uphold.
Your failure to act results in me becoming suicidal. I almost killed myself because you didn’t comply with the law. But I’m willing to move past that. We are all human. We make mistakes. Let me remind you of my humanity.
I have been driven into poverty because I asked for the harassment to stop. I was forced to sell my house and, without stable employment, I could not get another mortgage. I was forced to pay $27,000 in rent last year. Now, I’m selling everything I own and moving into one room to help a friend with his mortgage.
I’d love to move in with my boyfriend, but I can’t. Michael is on ODPS. If I move in, I would be added as a spouse which would cut him off the program. He requires life-saving medication so I have no choice. Michael’s father died unexpectedly in December. His mother is worried about losing the house. And I can’t help.
If I had my job back, I could add Michael as a spouse on my benefits. My current position (consultant with a manufacturing company to improve their systems) is only on contract. No benefits. I need my job back so we can live together I could move in with him and his mother and help them keep the house. You have many vacancies. Find me one and you’ll have the silence you desire.
Whatever imagined wrongs you think I have done, haven’t I suffered enough?
You are playing games with my life. And I’m asking you to stop.
Maybe you’ll read this, maybe you won’t. What I would hope you would do is focus on solving problems. The OPS has a significant problem with racism. Fully reinstate me with back pay and get me under an oath of office.
Allow me to be part of the solution to the problem you created. Or I will focus on solving the problem from the outside.
How do you know who you really are?Are you Canadian? American? Russian?
Ukrainian? Israeli? Palestinian? Are you straight? Gay? Trans? Cis? Are you Christian? Are you Pagan? Are you black? Or are you white?
Who are you? And who gets to decide?
And, does deciding who you are change how
other people perceive you?
Are you the person your parents think you
are? Your boyfriend. Can your husband decide who you are? If you are child, does your parent own you?
When I was kid, Ronald Regan was president.
A former actor who used to be the textbook definition of a conservative.
Nowadays, he’d be labeled a snowflake. Was he right? Would we put all of our
conflicts aside and come together if confronted with a common enemy? Or would
we keep fighting each other?
To understand Tribalism, let’s look at
Americans and Canadians.
Let’s pretend you are an American who
doesn’t like our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. You cross the border into Windsor,
find the first Canadian you can find and kick him in the shins.
When the story is told, Canadians will not
see that YOU, an individual, hates Canada. They will assign you to the tribe or
group “American” and determine that all of America hates Canada. And all of
Canada will put their differences aside to be afraid of Americans.
Canadians will be on guard the next time
they see an Americans, because maybe this American is also dangerous, also hates
Canadians, and might kick me in the shin.Because of what one individual did to
another individual.
When you are part of a tribe, you feel
connected. Like an extended family. When one of you is attack, all of you feel
attacked. That feeling is your brain trying to predict the future by
anticipating threats. If Canadians perceive Americans as a threat, even if it’s
not supported by evidence, their brains will tell them to be careful around
Americans. Because it’s trying to keep you alive.
The more afraid you are, the more likely
your brain will quickly categorize something as a threat. And that is logical.
As long as the threat is real.
And herein lies the problem. You’re brain
isn’t so good at determine what threats are real and which ones are imaginary.
Our brain is not an impartial computer. Memories are not stored like
So how DOES the brain work?
Your brain, like the rest of your body, is
designed to keep you alive. While our lungs focus on getting oxygen in and
carbon dioxide out, what do our brains do?
They help us predict the future.
Our senses experience the world around us to
the best of their ability. Our brain focuses on the parts necessary for our
survival and ignores the unnecessary. So, if an American attacks a Canadian,
the brains of other Canadians will change once they hear the story. Their brain
will know they might need to be careful around Americans. Even if you’re not
conscious of it, that will be at the back of your mind. Because your brain
wants to keep you alive.
So how does your brain tell the difference
between what is safe and what is dangerous?
Through lived experiences, the stories we tell
ourselves, and the stories we hear from others.
We learn it.
Human beings are social animals. We evolved in
groups because historically we have been safer together. We belong together in
groups. So why are we the people more divide than ever?
Humanity is having an ontological crisis. The
world, the real world, is not what we thought it was. We are not as rich as we
thought we were. We are not as safe as we thought we were. We are not as alone
as we thought we were.
And that fear is making humans act like rats
trapped in a cage.
When we are afraid, we are more likely to
perceive other people as a threat to our safety. Especially if that other
person is different than us.
If you hear that an American attacked a
Canadian, your brain tells you to trust your own tribe, Canadians, and distrust
the outsider, Americans. That sounds logical.
But it is also the foundation of racism.
How can you tell if the threat your brain
perceives as real IS REAL? If you see a snake, your brain will immediately say
danger. Snakes can be dangerous. You then have to stop and look more closely at
the snake.
Upon first sight, both snakes look dangerous.
Fear is a physical response to a perceived threat. Upon seeing the perceived
threat, your brain will attempt to predict the future by comparing current
events to past events.
This is what women mean when they say “All
men.” Women cannot tell just by looking at a man if they are safe to be around.
Because the evidence of their entire lives and all of recorded history says the
number one threat to a woman’s safety is a man having a bad day.
But I’ll move on.
When you meet a person, your brain works
quickly to identify if the person is a threat. This action is rarely conscious.
The more afraid your brain tells you to be, the less logical you become. Fear
can override your logic brain, which makes sense. If you wake up and find a
snake in your bed, now is not the time to wonder if it’s friendly. Your brain
relies on what is has seen and experienced before.
So let’s talk about how black people in the
media affects you.
If you live in a small town, it’s possible
that you’ve never met a black person in real life. Seriously. It still happens.
When you do meet a black person, the only memories you can access are the ones
of other people. What you have read about, what you have seen on TV, and what your
friends and family have said.
If all of your friends say black people are
dangerous, your brain will tell you the same thing. Maybe you clutch your purse
closer to you because you’ve heard black people are thieves. Maybe you let out
a yelp when you see a black person in a normally white space. This used to
happen to me all the time, followed by a quick “Or sorry Joe. Didn’t realize it
was you.”
Because for a split second, their brain
categorized me as black and dangerous. Changing which category I was in took
conscious effort for the other person.
When we are stressed or afraid, we are less
likely to take the time to reassess risk.
If our brains say it’s dangerous, we agree and don’t think too much
about it.
let’s talk about unconscious bias.
New research in neuroscience strongly suggests
humans may not have free will.
I know that was complex. That’s what I’m
here for. To turn that into regular English.
Your brain is faster than your conscious
thought. There is a gap between when your unconscious brain makes a decision
and your conscious brain is aware of the decision. In that gap is where you’ll
find all your unconscious biases.
To put that differently, if you are unaware
that you have unconscious biases, its likely that ALL of your decisions are
made unconsciously.
Our brains aren’t like computers, but they
are influenced by programing. We teach our children how to act, how to dress,
what to eat and what not to eat. By teaching children about perceived dangers
in the world, we hope to keep them alive.
So when a Canadian mother point an American
man and says “Stay away from those people” the child’s brain will take in the
programming. Each time they see an American they will perceive danger faster
than their conscious mind can stop it.
If you are born with pale skin and you
align yourself with whiteness either consciously or unconsciously, when one
white person is attacked, you feel like YOU are being attacked. If one white
person loses out to a job and that job is given to a black man, you believe
there’s a chance that a black man may steal your job.
If you have darker skin and society has
labelled you as black, when a black person is assaulted by a police office, you
may be afraid a police will assault you.
But not all perceived threats are actual
threats. That is why we need the conscious mind to filter through all the
evidence to make a more informed decision.
Once upon a time, everyone in your church
was family. Everyone in your community was a neighbour. Everyone in your
country was a potential friend. Now no one trusts the church, no one talks to
their neighbour, and our country is more divided than ever. No one feels safe anymore
because every new person is a potential threat.
We have been conditioned to believe that we
are safe with people who are like us, that people who are different from us are
fancy name for that is xenophobia. Historically, being xenophobic kept you
alive because society has been deeply racist. Your brain tells you to stick
with your own kind or risk being assaulted. Sometimes that
fear is logical.
Jewish people around the world are being
blamed for the actions of the Israeli government.
In response, Jewish people gather together
because they know the attacks are coming.
All around the world, people living in fear
have succumbed to tribalism. They have removed Jewish people from the group
“neighbour” and put them in a separate category “other.”
Think logically. What does a middle-aged
housewife from Australia have to do with the military decision of a foreign
country? The only thing they share in common is a religion, one they may or may
not actually practice.
Why are you making their religion the most
important category and not the country they live in? Because your brain has
decided that the Jewish religion is dangerous. Not the person’s gender, not her
location, not even her political views. Just her religion.
Now, go sit with that thought and think
about why you believe that.
Human beings are more than the country we
were born in or the religion we practice. Human beings are more than the tribes
that they belong to. Because human beings all belong to the same tribe.
A few weeks ago, I stitched a reply to the following question: What if an alien came down, gave you a mic and said, for the next 60 seconds, What would you say?
My answer: Stop Fighting.
All of us are running around like children. Like our parent has left the room or the babysitter has stepped out. We're children causing chaos because our parent isn't around. Who's our parent?
In the West, we've treated God like a parent because we got used to the church acting like a parent. for a very, very long time, the church told us what to do and we obeyed. But we don't believe the church anymore. For various reasons.
And because we trust the church, we don't trust God. And because we don't trust God. We think we can do whatever we want.
Someone has to say this, so I guess it will be me: I don't care who started it. Stop.
I don't care who threw the first punch. Don't throw another one. Fighting is wrong. Now, this is something that we teach our children, right? They have to know that in kindergarten, children are taught this. But adults have forgot it.
So a reminder. I don't care who you're fighting with right now. Stop.
Stop acting like children and grow up.
Rioting in the streets because you've been told you have to do something you don't want to do is the same thing as a child throwing a temper tantrum because they've been told to take a nap. Rioting in the streets because you're upset with late stage capitalism. That's a different topic. But for that, we all need to come together.
There are forces in the world that are trying to separate us. So in case you have forgotten, there is one race, the human race. There are forces that want to divide us. It is time for the human race to come together and look at the people that are separating us because the people that are trying to separate us. They're the enemy.
And we need to come together to get them out of power.
I almost forgot the most important thing because there is a nonzero chance that aliens are real. Really, They might exist.
And it's very possible that they are just waiting for us to grow up before they come help us. Because if aliens are real, they have the technology to save us.
They have the technology to end poverty, but they're not going to do it until we grow up.