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Monday, April 1, 2024

Alien Brain Fog - Episode 004 - What is Tribalism?




How do you know who you really are? Are you Canadian? American? Russian? Ukrainian? Israeli? Palestinian? Are you straight? Gay? Trans? Cis? Are you Christian? Are you Pagan? Are you black? Or are you white? 

Who are you? And who gets to decide? 

And, does deciding who you are change how other people perceive you?

Are you the person your parents think you are? Your boyfriend. Can your husband decide who you are? If you are child, does your parent own you?

Video Clip – Andrew Tate states Women are the property of men 

Video Clip - 'Parental rights' is the latest fight in the education culture wars

The answer to all these questions begins with looking at Tribalism. 

What is it and how does it affect your brain.


Source: Ronald Regan - War is an Alien Threat

When I was kid, Ronald Regan was president. A former actor who used to be the textbook definition of a conservative. Nowadays, he’d be labeled a snowflake. Was he right? Would we put all of our conflicts aside and come together if confronted with a common enemy? Or would we keep fighting each other?

To understand Tribalism, let’s look at Americans and Canadians.

Let’s pretend you are an American who doesn’t like our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. You cross the border into Windsor, find the first Canadian you can find and kick him in the shins.

When the story is told, Canadians will not see that YOU, an individual, hates Canada. They will assign you to the tribe or group “American” and determine that all of America hates Canada. And all of Canada will put their differences aside to be afraid of Americans.

Canadians will be on guard the next time they see an Americans, because maybe this American is also dangerous, also hates Canadians, and might kick me in the shin.Because of what one individual did to another individual.

Why are we like that?

Tribalism. So what is tribalism?

Source: Tribalism in a Polarized America | Patrick O’Connell | TEDxBowdoinCollege

When you are part of a tribe, you feel connected. Like an extended family. When one of you is attack, all of you feel attacked. That feeling is your brain trying to predict the future by anticipating threats. If Canadians perceive Americans as a threat, even if it’s not supported by evidence, their brains will tell them to be careful around Americans. Because it’s trying to keep you alive.

The more afraid you are, the more likely your brain will quickly categorize something as a threat. And that is logical.

As long as the threat is real.

And herein lies the problem. You’re brain isn’t so good at determine what threats are real and which ones are imaginary. Our brain is not an impartial computer. Memories are not stored like photographs.

So how DOES the brain work?


Your brain, like the rest of your body, is designed to keep you alive. While our lungs focus on getting oxygen in and carbon dioxide out, what do our brains do?

They help us predict the future.

Our senses experience the world around us to the best of their ability. Our brain focuses on the parts necessary for our survival and ignores the unnecessary. So, if an American attacks a Canadian, the brains of other Canadians will change once they hear the story. Their brain will know they might need to be careful around Americans. Even if you’re not conscious of it, that will be at the back of your mind. Because your brain wants to keep you alive.

So how does your brain tell the difference between what is safe and what is dangerous?

Through lived experiences, the stories we tell ourselves, and the stories we hear from others.

We learn it.

Human beings are social animals. We evolved in groups because historically we have been safer together. We belong together in groups. So why are we the people more divide than ever?

 Tribalism and the need for Connection. – Simon Sinek (00 – 0:04) (1:33 – 1:41) (2:27 – 3:01)

 Humanity is having an ontological crisis. The world, the real world, is not what we thought it was. We are not as rich as we thought we were. We are not as safe as we thought we were. We are not as alone as we thought we were.

Video Clip – Violent Crime in Canada Spikes to Highest Level since 2007 (CBC News)

Video Clip – Retail Council of Canada Receiving "Daily" Reports of Violent Shoplifters 

Video Clip – Non-Human Being Remains? Mexico Holds Congressional Hearing on UFOs

Video Clip: Mexican UFO Expert Conducts X-Rays on Non-Human Beings

Video Clip: New video shows 'jellyfish' shaped object soaring over US base in Iraq

Video Clip: UFO hearing previewed by House GOP: 'We're done with the cover-ups'


And that fear is making humans act like rats trapped in a cage.

When we are afraid, we are more likely to perceive other people as a threat to our safety. Especially if that other person is different than us.

 If you hear that an American attacked a Canadian, your brain tells you to trust your own tribe, Canadians, and distrust the outsider, Americans. That sounds logical.

 But it is also the foundation of racism.

How can you tell if the threat your brain perceives as real IS REAL? If you see a snake, your brain will immediately say danger. Snakes can be dangerous. You then have to stop and look more closely at the snake. 

Upon first sight, both snakes look dangerous. Fear is a physical response to a perceived threat. Upon seeing the perceived threat, your brain will attempt to predict the future by comparing current events to past events.


This is what women mean when they say “All men.” Women cannot tell just by looking at a man if they are safe to be around. Because the evidence of their entire lives and all of recorded history says the number one threat to a woman’s safety is a man having a bad day.

But I’ll move on.

When you meet a person, your brain works quickly to identify if the person is a threat. This action is rarely conscious. The more afraid your brain tells you to be, the less logical you become. Fear can override your logic brain, which makes sense. If you wake up and find a snake in your bed, now is not the time to wonder if it’s friendly. Your brain relies on what is has seen and experienced before.

So let’s talk about how black people in the media affects you.

If you live in a small town, it’s possible that you’ve never met a black person in real life. Seriously. It still happens. When you do meet a black person, the only memories you can access are the ones of other people. What you have read about, what you have seen on TV, and what your friends and family have said.

If all of your friends say black people are dangerous, your brain will tell you the same thing. Maybe you clutch your purse closer to you because you’ve heard black people are thieves. Maybe you let out a yelp when you see a black person in a normally white space. This used to happen to me all the time, followed by a quick “Or sorry Joe. Didn’t realize it was you.”

 Because for a split second, their brain categorized me as black and dangerous. Changing which category I was in took conscious effort for the other person.

 When we are stressed or afraid, we are less likely to take the time to reassess risk.  If our brains say it’s dangerous, we agree and don’t think too much about it.

Now, let’s talk about unconscious bias.


New research in neuroscience strongly suggests humans may not have free will.

Video Clip - The strange neuroscience of free will - BBC REEL

Source: Free Will is Only an Illusion if You Are

I know that was complex. That’s what I’m here for. To turn that into regular English.

Your brain is faster than your conscious thought. There is a gap between when your unconscious brain makes a decision and your conscious brain is aware of the decision. In that gap is where you’ll find all your unconscious biases.

To put that differently, if you are unaware that you have unconscious biases, its likely that ALL of your decisions are made unconsciously.

Our brains aren’t like computers, but they are influenced by programing. We teach our children how to act, how to dress, what to eat and what not to eat. By teaching children about perceived dangers in the world, we hope to keep them alive.

So when a Canadian mother point an American man and says “Stay away from those people” the child’s brain will take in the programming. Each time they see an American they will perceive danger faster than their conscious mind can stop it.

If you are born with pale skin and you align yourself with whiteness either consciously or unconsciously, when one white person is attacked, you feel like YOU are being attacked. If one white person loses out to a job and that job is given to a black man, you believe there’s a chance that a black man may steal your job.

 If you have darker skin and society has labelled you as black, when a black person is assaulted by a police office, you may be afraid a police will assault you.

But not all perceived threats are actual threats. That is why we need the conscious mind to filter through all the evidence to make a more informed decision.

Once upon a time, everyone in your church was family. Everyone in your community was a neighbour. Everyone in your country was a potential friend. Now no one trusts the church, no one talks to their neighbour, and our country is more divided than ever. No one feels safe anymore because every new person is a potential threat.

We have been conditioned to believe that we are safe with people who are like us, that people who are different from us are dangerous.

The fancy name for that is xenophobia. Historically, being xenophobic kept you alive because society has been deeply racist. Your brain tells you to stick with your own kind or risk being assaulted. Sometimes that fear is logical.

We’re watching the same thing happen now. 

Jewish people around the world are being blamed for the actions of the Israeli government.

In response, Jewish people gather together because they know the attacks are coming.

All around the world, people living in fear have succumbed to tribalism. They have removed Jewish people from the group “neighbour” and put them in a separate category “other.”

Think logically. What does a middle-aged housewife from Australia have to do with the military decision of a foreign country? The only thing they share in common is a religion, one they may or may not actually practice.

Why are you making their religion the most important category and not the country they live in? Because your brain has decided that the Jewish religion is dangerous. Not the person’s gender, not her location, not even her political views. Just her religion.

Now, go sit with that thought and think about why you believe that.

Human beings are more than the country we were born in or the religion we practice. Human beings are more than the tribes that they belong to. Because human beings all belong to the same tribe. 


A few weeks ago, I stitched a reply to the following question: What if an alien came down, gave you a mic and said, for the next 60 seconds, What would you say?

My answer: Stop Fighting.

All of us are running around like children. Like our parent has left the room or the babysitter has stepped out. We're children causing chaos because our parent isn't around. Who's our parent?


In the West, we've treated God like a parent because we got used to the church acting like a parent. for a very, very long time, the church told us what to do and we obeyed. But we don't believe the church anymore.
For various reasons.

Video Clip: Catholic Church covered up priests' child abuse: report 
Video Clip: Indigenous survivor describes her 'haunting experience' of boarding school abuse
Video Clip Vatican and UFOs? What is in the archives? (NewsNation Report)

And because we trust the church, we don't trust God. And because we don't trust God. We think we can do whatever we want.


Someone has to say this, so I guess it will be me:  I don't care who started it. Stop.

I don't care who threw the first punch. Don't throw another one. Fighting is wrong. 
Now, this is something that we teach our children, right? They have to know that in kindergarten, children are taught this. But adults have forgot it.

So a reminder. I don't care who you're fighting with right now. Stop.

Stop acting like children and grow up.

Rioting in the streets because you've been told you have to do something you don't want to do is the same thing as a child throwing a temper tantrum because they've been told to take a nap. Rioting in the streets because you're upset with late stage capitalism. That's a different topic. But for that, we all need to come together.

There are forces in the world that are trying to separate us. So in case you have forgotten, there is one race, the human race. There are forces that want to divide us. It is time for the human race to come together and look at the people that are separating us because the people that are trying to separate us. They're the enemy.

And we need to come together to get them out of power.


I almost forgot the most important thing because there is a nonzero chance that aliens are real. Really, They might exist. 

And it's very possible that they are just waiting for us to grow up before they come help us. Because if aliens are real, they have the technology to save us.

They have the technology to end poverty, but they're not going to do it until we grow up.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Open Letter to Lisa Gretzky and the NDP on the issue of Antiblack Racism Inside the Ontario Public Service

Today is the last day of Black History month, an extra day because of leap year. I’m using this unusual day to bring attention to something else unusual – the absolute silence from the NDP on the issue of racism inside the Ontario Public Service.

Why does the Ontario NDP no longer care about black workers? This is the party of Howard McCurdy. I’m a Windsor guy, but only had the pleasure of meeting McCurdy once. When I was a child, I played piano at an Emancipation Day talent show in Amherstburg. It showed me how important the area is for black history and helped me believe there was a place for black people in politics. McCurdy fought for us.

Which is why, Lisa, I’ve been so confused by your lack of support. Why doesn’t the current NDP have the same passion for dismantling anti-black racism?

Only this morning I read about your plea for the children on Ontario. You stated:

"When will the premier act to ensure that children and youth with complex needs in Windsor have the mental health supports they need in Windsor?"

I ask you the same question. When will the NDP act to ensure that black workers inside the OPS have a safe work environment, free from harassment, free from the fear they will be terminated if they speak out.

The issue with mental health supports is messy and will take a great deal of time and resources to fix. Ensuring the safety of black workers inside the province of Ontario, however, could be solved with a single news conference. 

Help me be the last black worker fired from the province of Ontario for speaking out about antiblack racism.


In brief, my name is Joseph Murphy. I am a writer, director and former publisher. 

I am a witch who worships the divine as Mother. I am currently directing a feminist horror movie (Devil’s Mountain - where no women die and the killer only targets abusive men). I’m also the host of Alien Brain Fog, a podcast on dismantling systems of oppression. It focuses on systemic racism and patriarchy, discussing how oppression has physical effects on physiology and mental health.

During the last election, I canvassed for Gemma Grey-Hall, the NDP candidate in my area. I asked her how one becomes a leader and she gave me a whole masterclass in realness. She told me: "If you want to lead, lead. Don’t wait for others to give you permission." She also told me to learn as much as I can about governance, which I continue to do.

Since there is little money in the arts, I also had a day job. I was a caseworker at ODSP -  Windsor, a union steward and co-head of Tomorrow’s Ontario Public Service (TOPS) – an organization focused on training future leaders. 

I was also being harassed by Rachel Cohen-Kusmiercyzk, manager at ODSP – Windsor. It was previously my belief that she was related to Member of Parliament, Irek Kusmierczyk, and that was the reason she was being protected. I’ve since realized the problem is deeper than that.

Within only a few years, two black caseworkers left the OPS under mysterious circumstances. Even as a union steward, I was not privy to the details of their leaving. When the harassment against me started (in email form), I filed a grievance. This was back in 2021, three years ago. I informed Rachel’s manager, Melissa Kersey, there was a problem. Then I waited for my grievance date to arrive. It was scheduled for January 2022. 

In 2023, I learned two black women at work were also being harassed, after I had already informed Melissa Kersey of the problem. Nothing was being done to protect black workers. I was fired without cause and without notice just before my scheduled grievance date. I am certain this will scare the other black employees in the office into silence. Which is appauling.

Only the managers are protected.

You do not have to take my word for it. You simply need to look at the evidence.


I am concerned about the province using public funds to supress reports of antiblack racism. A private company has limited resources. Fines for wrongful dismissal could be a disincentive. The province, however, has seemingly bottomless pockets. This explains the cavalier attitude of the union (OPSEU) and the callous behaviours of the civil service. They believe they can buy off anyone that complains with a small amount of money.

But they could not buy my silence. Because of the harassment and the termination, I had to sell my house. That means I have a certain amount of disposable income right now. I am in the perfect position to see this grievance through to the end. I am 100% convinced that anyone who looks at the evidence will see I am telling the truth.

Which may be why the Province of Ontario keeps pushing my arbitration dates further and further into the future. I have checked with my lawyers and the union. None of them have the power to hold our government to account. But you do.


When I stated I was physically unable to attend an allegation meeting, the province called the police on me. The told the union they were concerned I was violent threat, but told the police it was a wellness check. In my mental state at the time, I perceived this as a threat on my life. You can see my response in the video below.

Later, the province accused me in writing of sending inappropriate videos to underage girls. The truth? A former coworker at ODSP told me one of the manager’s daughter’s found my videos’ on TikTok. It was framed in a way to imply I was grooming a minor. The letter stated they had contacted the police to file a report. I contacted the police and verified no such report had been made.

It felt like the province was weaponizing the police department, implying I would be charged with a crime and/or imprisoned if my behaviour didn’t stop. Unfortunately for the province, I taught business law and human resources for over a decade. I know my rights.

But my boyfriend got scared. He wanted them to stop calling the police on me. I knew the best way to do that is to act crazy. So I thought about aliens. Everyone knows if you believe in aliens you’re crazy, right? So in March 2023, I came up with the concept for Alien Brain Fog – a science-based program focused on gaslighting and how to tell fact from fiction. And it seems to have worked. Ever since I started talking about aliens, the province stopped using the police to threaten me. You can see in the videos below the effect this had on my wellbeing.

Then in July 2023, the United States held a congressional hearing that presented evidence aliens might actually be real after all. It seems they have been gaslighting the public about aliens the same way they have been gaslighting us about racism. Making it more important than ever for me to speak up.


It is likely, Lisa, you do not remember officiating my wedding. Maybe it was not you who stated you couldn’t help me back on Aug 10, 2023. Perhaps it was only an automatic response from an aide. You have little reason to trust me, but the black workers of Ontario need your help.

So let me prove my case. If you review the following, you can see I am who I say I am.

Author Website:

Below is a link with a video showing who I am and why I spoke out. 

It also has the email string showing how the WDHP actively works to suppress evidence of racism. They altered reports after I signed them. Every time I have tried to present my evidence, they have delayed the hearings. It has been going on for years.

It happened again just a few weeks ago. The Ford government keeps changing my grievance dates and refuses to release my employment file because they want the evidence to go away. If you stay silent on this, they win.


Review the evidence. As a sign of good faith, I have agreed not to publish the items revealed through disclosure until the grievance has finished. I have sent you copies of my performance reviews as well as the letter I sent the arbitrator. Please do no make this public. Reviewing these will mean you don’t have to take my word for it.

There is a problem at ODSP Windsor. A manager is harassing black workers and having them fired when they speak up. I was the third. I fear I will not be the last.

It is within your power to ensure no other black workers are fired from the OPS. All it needs is your voice. Bring the same passion to my evidence as you did for the mental health of children in Windsor and help expose how the civil services is suppressing black workers.

I ask you to either:
  1. Review my case. Look at the evidence I’ve provided. Decide if I’m telling the truth or not. And if I am telling the truth, if the civil service is truly suppressing evidence of antiblack racism, what is the NDP going to do about it?

  2. Bring up the issue of anti-black racism and the suppression of evidence the same way you brought up the lack of funding for mental health resources. On the floor. Show the black workers on Ontario that their health and safety is important to the NDP

  3. Use me as a resource. Recent polling suggests the Ford government is still leading in the polls. This is ludicrous because the people of Ontario are begging for a change. They are desperate for a leader to step up and hold the powerful to account. By showing the people of Ontario how the civil service is altering reports to “fudge” numbers, you could bring the entire government down. I have the evidence. All I need is someone with the power to make change.


I’ve been in Windsor a long time and have met several leaders of the NPD. If memory serves me right, Rick Limoge was my neighbour for a few years in the Villages of Windsor, before he joined city council. I met Joe Comartin through a mutual acquaintance (Adrian Jones – sadly now deceased). You were the officiant at my wedding and, as I’ve stated previously, I campaigned for Gemma Grey-Hall during the last election.

Many problems in the world today are complex. The health and safety of black workers is not one of them. If black workers are not safe working INSIDE the government, how can they expect the government to protect them at private industries? By shining on a light on what has happened to me and others, you can ensure it stops happening. 

All it takes is an act of courage.

For Janelle Brady - The best part of writing this letter was learning about your work. I will be watching your "Learning About Racism" series tomorrow. It lines up nicely with the work I hope to do on Alien Brain Fog. Thank you for leading the way.


Monday, February 19, 2024

Alien Brain Fog - Episode 003 - What is The Rule of Law?


Transcript of Episode


If an alien shows up at the mall and robs your store, can you charge him with theft?

Are certain people like Donald Trump really above the law or fooling themselves? 

Both of these questions can be answered by looking at the Rule of Law. What is it and who does it apply to? And more importantly, do we currently live under the Rule of Law or are WE fooling ourselves?


Recently, Donald had a court case postponed while the courts determined if he has immunity. Immunity to what you may ask? The law. It is Donald Trump’s belief that he is above the law and can face no consequences for his actions.

Federal judge postpones trial in Trump’s DC election interference case

So is this true?

Fair warning, this does involve a little history. But I believe it’s important to remember your past. That’s why our brains have memory. It helps you predict the future.

Which may be why certain groups of people want to ban books. And tell you people educated in history are the enemy.

Our history in the Western world is complex. We have not always been run by rule of law even when we claimed to be.  In the past the rich and those of certain bloodlines were held above the law. Almost like you’re a hockey player in Canada.

Your degree of economic power determined whether or not the law applied to you. 

So a very brief history of western law.

I know some people are obsessed with the Roman empire. So let’s start there. It was understood during roman times that without the law, people would be at the mercy of violent men. Romans believed without the law, civilization would collapse. So they codified the law, meaning put in writing and, at least in theory, made sure everyone followed the rules.

Game of Thrones was fiction, but the behaviour of the rulers was pretty historically accurate. At one point, the people were led to believe that their leaders were chosen by god. To question the leader was to question God. Which meant you were a demon and should be unalived. 

In 1215, England made the bold move to putting in writing that maybe the king was not above the law. That maybe no one was above the law. This is what we mean when we say Rule of Law. That the law is supreme. The law applies to everyone. 

The Magna Carta also gave us other rights. For example, it prevented unlawful imprisonment. Prior to that, you could just be arrested and thrown in jail without charges or trial. Kind of like the Patriot Act.

 The English Bill of Rights was passed in 1689. It allowed the election of representatives without the royal approval and prevented royals from interfering with the law. Because your leadership is not supposed to sway the way you vote. Like in Gerrymandering.

. In Canada, we have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that was included in our Constitution Act of 1982. This gave the courts the power to strike down laws that were unconstitutional. So what does that mean?

In Canada, no law can be passed that contradicts your human rights. The rights you have because you were born a human. In emergency cases, like war, the government can ignore some civilian rights. But there is also something called the notwithstanding clause. This allows law makers to break the law and ignore constitutional freedoms, but only for a limited timed time. In Canada, the government can limit our rights, but it has to PROVE there was a need to do so. 

Because the law has more power than people.


Both of these men are loved by few, hated by many. But are they the same? Trump incites an insurrection, found guilty of sexual assault, found guilty of fraud, took money from foreign leaders while in office, and is currently telling the world how he will become a dictator and turn America fully a Christian Theocracy ruled by him, the second coming of Christ. And because a certain group of people believe he has been sent by God, it appears they also have decided he is above the law. 

I have a friend with a DUI who can’t cross the border. Trump gets to run for office and command armies.

Meanwhile in Canada, Trudeau used the Emergency Measure’s Act to break up a disruptive event in Ottawa that began as a protest but turned into a circus. 

The courts here ruled the government exceeded their authority. Leaders in Canada do not have the right to do whatever they want.

This would give the appearance that the rule of Law is more in effect in Canada than it currently is in the United States. Because a growing number of Americans seem to believe the law does not apply equally to everyone.

So who does the rule of law apply to?


The easy answer is everyone. Well, every human. Every human is seen as equal under the law meaning that no one has more or less rights than the other. No person is more or less protected by the law than others. 

So why would any government agree to this? Why would the rulers be willing to give so much freedom to their citizens. The answer is history. We know what happens when they don’t. To understand that better, lets look at France 1789-1799. A period we now call the French Revolution.

Prior to the revolution, the people of France lived under a system called Feudalism. You can read the Wikipedia page about feudalism but it boils down to this. It was a system in which all the land was owned by a few people, called Lords. All the work was done by peasants who were given a place to live in exchange for their work.

The peasants grew to believe the lords of the land, or landlords, had more rights  than they, the peasants, did. Which was a problem. One of many. Let’s look at a few of the key reasons behind the French Revolution.

  1. Poverty - The feudal system had created unsustainable income inequality. This led to widespread famine, death and starvation. The average person was not sure where their next meal was coming from. At the same time, the upper class lived a lavish lifestyle.  

  2. Royal Absolutism – Those in power, the royals, could overrule any law. In effect, a crime was not a crime if the royals said it was not a crime. Which meant that members of the royal family could do anything they wanted. While peasants were held accountable for minor infractions. Like stealing food to live.

  3. Noble Privilege – Social preference was given to those of high birth rather than to those who worked hard. It didn’t matter how hard you worked, only who your parents were. No amount of hard work would bring you wealth.

  4. Clerical Privilege – We forget now the POWER the Church once held over people. The fear of eternal damnation and/or torture can be persuasive. During the revolution, the church was essentially taken over by the government, and made accountable to the people, not the Vatican. Once upon a time, the church was above the law. If you were a priest you could do anything you wanted and face no consequences. Thankfully that’s different now.

  5. Bifurcation - The final straw was a bifurcation – humans were placed into one of two groups. You were either the working class, a peasant, or the ruling class, a landlord. This created two levels of person-hood. While the rule of law applied to all persons, maybe some humans weren’t people. Because if you can convince enough peasants that a certain group of humans are not “people”, well then you don’t have to follow the rule of law. 
Faced with the evidence of their eyes and ears, the peasants realized the wealthy had taken advantage of them. And if they didn’t act, the peasant’s children had no future. They rose up. It was messy. 


This is why it is so important for civilizations to follow the rule of law. If the general population believes those in power are not following the rule of law, they stop following the rule of law too. It is essential for the stability of democracy that everyone BELIEVES the rule of law is in effect.


Earlier, I asked if an alien robbed your store, could you charge him with robbery? The answer is no. Our laws currently only apply to humans. For the same reason, if a squirrel eats the apples in your backyard, you don’t call the police. You take the law into your own hands. You throw a rock at it.

Historically, there have been other groups, aside from aliens, that were seen as not human and therefore not protected by the rule of law. Let’s look at a few examples.

Indigenous People

How could followers of Christ take children from their homes, assault them and neglect them all while believing they were doing God’s work. If they children were seen as human, this would never have happened. Instead they were labeled “savages”, a dehumanizing word. Literally a word that makes a human into a non-human.

When we teach our society that a group of people, like Indigenous people around the world, are less than us, less educated, less civilized, less worthy, it sends a message to certain people. Certain people hear that since this group is not-quite-human, they are fair game. 

It is against the law to unalive a human. The racial background of that human should have zero impact on the degree to which the crime is investigated. And yet Canada has a problem. Indigenous people, especially indigenous women are not statistically safe in Canada. That’s not a judgement call. That is looking at reality. Because the way Canadian society reacts when an indigenous person is unalived is very different than when a non-indigenous person is unalived. We can all see that. The evidence is right there. So maybe instead of pretending it’s not, we should be doing something about that.

Let’s look at another group that the law historically did not protect.


October 18, 1928. That is the day women in Canada were finally considered “persons”. We celebrate that it’s been less than 100 years that we men have acknowledge that women are also sentient beings. 

This is not something to celebrate. Math states women make up roughly 50% of humanity. Sometimes they are the majority. Which means for most of written history, more than half of humanity was not fully protected by the rule of law. 

It was not until 1960 that all women could vote? The last group of women given the right to vote? Indigenous women. I know. Shocking.

In 1971, we passed a law in Canada guaranteeing women the right to equal pay for equal work. That’s the year I was born in so I can tell you it has 52 years and women as STILL not paid equally for equal work. It’s almost like the law isn’t being followed.

Much of the reason for the subjugation of women was the Church. Society deemed them not equal to men because the bible said it was true. And if you disagree with the bible, you are demon. Men were doing nothing wrong. They were only following God’s will. Remember, this podcast deals with gaslighting. Phew.

Now, let’s look at another group of humans historically not seen as people.

African Americans/Canadians


Me as a black person, with one black parent and one white parent. There are many people in the world who do not see me as human. I am abomination, and not just because I’m gay. Many believe that people with my colour of skin are not human, that having a relationship with a black person is like having a relationship with a dog.

In fact, for many if they had to choose between saving the life of a black stranger or a dog they’ve never met, they would save the dog. And see nothing wrong with that choice. Because the dog, to them, is more human.

Lynching only became a federal crime in March 2022. It hasn’t even been two years. Mostly this was symbolic. But think for a second. Until a few years ago, some states would not publicly concede that lynching should be a crime.

And ya’all expect black people to believe they are truly protected by the rule of law? 

You expect women to believe they will be fully recognized and compensated for their work when Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie are still in the news?

Here’s where it starts to play with your sense of who you are and what you are. If a group of people is not protected by the rule of law, why would they follow the rule of law? Let’s say that a different way.

An alien walks into the Miami Mall and buys a dress. As soon as he leaves the store, you say he stole it. The law sees you as a human and alien is not. Therefore, the human must always be right. The alien must be lying. The alien goes to jail. 

After his, why would the alien try buying from the store again? He might as well steal it if you’re going to be blamed for stealing anyway.

Why do people ignore the rule of law? Almost always – Greed. Sadly, there are standard ways around the rule of law. They are often very effective. 

For example, let’s say you are person in power and you want something. Say, land. If a group of people has something you want, you can’t just go take it. That’s against the law. But, and hear me out, what if you can convince enough followers that one group of people aren’t people after all? They are “savages” who must be saved and brought into the light. You’re doing them a favour by stealing their children. God’s work.

Or you say women can’t decide what to do with their bodies because they are women. You know how women are. Overly emotional. They need a man to come in and take charge with his big logical brain. It says so in the Bible. God’s work.

Historically, when people come together to overturn the rule of law, it has not been good. Especially for minorities. Imagine if everyone came together tomorrow and said lefthanded people are evil. Only right-handed people are allowed to accumulate wealth. Maybe the majority would say yes. Lefthanded people would be condemned to poverty because of the will of the majority.

Let’s take it further. The church gives Lefthanded people a name. Sinisters. Did you know the term sinister comes from the latin word for left? And did you know that darkest form of magic is called the Lefthanded path? What are left-handed people hiding? 

Do I need to continue? We can laugh a bit today because we know it’s silly to believe there is a difference between right and left handed people. But it wasn’t that long ago humans felt very different. There are many alive today who remember the ruler across the fingers for trying to write with their left hand.

There are also many are alive today who remember a time when women could not open a bank account or get a credit card. Many old grey men remember they could assault their wives and children without consequence. They could smack the uppity boy with the dark skin and everyone would understand. Those men are still here. They are still in power.

And that needs to change. But I’ll move on.

The second you see one group dehumanizing another, stop. Ask yourself why. Why are they are making the other group appear less than human.

Because they can’t call them what they really are:

An inconvenient obstacle in their attempt to ignore the rule of law.

The most important thing for the stability of a civilization is the appearance that the rule of law is in effect. Because once enough people believe that the system is rigged, that the system doesn’t protect them, when enough people believe THAT … we have problems with social stability. A reminder of the events that caused the French Revolution.

  1. Poverty
  2. Royal Absolutism
  3. Noble Privilege 
  4. Clerical Privilege
  5. People vs. The Rulers

I’m not trying to predict the future here. Just pointing out historical events. You can draw your own conclusions.


The rule of Law is not the only way to organize society. Let’s look at a few other options.

  1. ANARCHY – every person for themselves. Without the rule of law the world could devolve into a post-apocalyptic nightmare. If you’ve seen or played The Last of Us, this would be life outside of a protected city. The law is what the strong say it is.

  2. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS – In this case, a ruler or group of rulers, convinces peasants that he has been chosen by god. Everything they say and do is interpreted as the will of the divine. To challenge the king is to challenge God, making you under the influence of demons. Because only a demon would question the will of God.

    Speaking of men who abuse women and believe they speak for God, Trump. FFS. History is very clear what happens to a society when a man like Trump gets unlimited power. Can we seriously not let that happen? But I’ll move on.

  3. PLUTOCRACY – It has nothing to do with the planet and everything to do with money. Pluto is another name for the god of the underworld. Also called Hades. Hades is the more common name now, but in ancient times people grew afraid to say his name. Like Voldermort.  So they called him Pluto, the wealthy one.

    Under Plutocracy, the law and those that enforce it treat you differently depending on how much money you have. The more money you have, the more you can ignore the law. That means that with enough money, the rule of law does not apply to you.

  4. MOB RULE –A group of people decides to take the law into their own hands. The law is whatever the group says is the law. It can change at any time.


So, do we currently live under the rule of law? The answer depends on where you live. And who you are. Which means, no. We do not currently live under the rule of law. In my opinion, we live in a plutocracy where those with the most money can do whatever they want. They do not have to follow the law. Even if they are caught, they will be forced to pay a fine. But they have so much money, they fine is not a disincentive. No matter what the powerful do, they do not have to go to jail. Jail is only for poor people.

I would love to proven wrong. But I can see reality. We all can. 

We need to stop pretending everything is okay.

So what do we do about it? We fix it. How? Simple. Hold the powerful to account. That’s it. We need at least the appearance of fair play. Because if the powerful stop pretending the rule of law is in effect, my fear is so will the rest of the country. And that won’t be good for anyone.

We do not currently live under the rule of law but we STRIVE TO. The law is not perfect but it is the best tool we have to ensure a safe, stable democracy.


So what does all of this have to do with you? You have grown up in a system which clearly demonstrates some people have more rights than others. Our educational system, our political system, and especially our religious systems have all created a world in which certain people are closer to god than others. If you grew up here, those thoughts are in your brain, influencing the way you think and they things you do. 

In many ways, you are who you THINK you are. And some of the things you think about yourself are not really you. Some of your personality is based on your culture and your upbringing. You may not see the difference but it can show up in your biology. Oppression and trauma show up in our bodies, even if we are not conscious of it.

Some of you may have seen this image. It represents the order in which we secure a health environment. Meaning before you can manifest your biggest dreams, you have to make sure you have food and shelter. If you can’t eat, you can’t start a business. Similarly, before you gain a sense of connection, you have to feel safe in your environment. You need stable employment which gives you the power to create all the other steps.

So what if you don’t feel safe? If you are constantly worried about your physiological and economic safety, kind of hard for you to reach self esteem.

That is what we have done to indigenous people, to women, to visible minorities. And, as we’ll discuss later, those with disabilities. And IT IS intentional. Because the people running the plutocracy know this. As soon as the peasants come together, it’s all over for them. Which is why they want the peasants to keep fighting amongst themselves. But I’ll move on.

How does this fear show up in your body? I’m going to show you a graphic that will annoy some people. But stay with me. Remember, not everything can currently be explained by science. 

Chakra work is magic, not science. Remember, with science, something is true whether you believe it or not. Magic needs you to believe it before work.

In my experience, chakras in the body tend to align with the hierarchy of needs. Anxiety is a first chakra issue. Anxiety is often tied to trauma related to unfulfilled security needs. If people can’t secure housing and food, you can expect anxiety rates to increase. Anxiety can be reduced by ensuring all physical needs are met.

If you’re experiencing lower back pain, look at your money situation. 

Science says chakras do not exist because we don’t have the technology to test if they exist or not. Our currently technology can’t see them. But maybe our bodies can. 

Unless you’ve done a lot of self-analysis, you probably don’t realize why you feel the way you feel. That’s who you are. An anxious person. Maybe you feel guilty because of your anxiety, even though anxiety is a perfectly normal reaction when you’re living through the times we’re in. Maybe you are not the problem. 

I’ll end with this. The most revolutionary act you can do is not taking to the streets or arguing on social media. If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself.

Sit in a quiet room by yourself. Meditate. Think about the things you do and the things you believe and the things you don’t believe. Get to know yourself.

The more you understand who YOU are, the real you, the most clearly you will see what you should be doing. And once you know yourself, it’s impossible for other people to manipulate you.


Next Time on Alien Brain Fog we look at Tribalism. Why do we feel the need to attach ourselves to a collective? Why and how do our brains assign people we meet into groups? And more importantly, how can we determine if our actions and beliefs are based on our own individual sense of right and wrong or a desire to remain part of the collective.

Thank you for joining me. Be kind. The world is a little messed up out there.

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