Wealthy people have infiltrated our governments. For years they have been quietly removing black workers from leadership. In 2022, I tried warning senior leadership within the province. No one believed me. They believed they could silence me.
What they didn't realize is on was on a mission. From God.
My only message to the racist people who tried to destroy me life: I warned you this was going to look bad on you. You thought no one was watching. But God was. And God is a woman.
For most of my life my skin colour has allowed me white privilege.
Rachel saw me as black. Despite all my life accomplishments, she believed she could bully me into silence because my skin colour is slightly darker than hers.
It didn’t matter that I was a writer working for a publishing company. It didn’t matter that I had taught human resources and business law for a decade. It didn’t matter that I marched in Windsor’s first gay pride and had history of standing up for social justice. It didn’t matter that I told them over and over and over again that I was going to expose what they were doing to make sure it didn’t happen to others. Everyone acted like I would eventually just give up and go away. And I didn’t know why.
The Lady told me it was because Rachel was above the law. I said that was impossible. And she said “This your Rosa Parks moment.” I laughed. It was ludicrous.
My fight with Rachel was going to be easy. No one liked her. She’d only been a manager for a few months. Two black workers had already disappeared from the office under mysterious circumstances. Several other black people in the office had issued complaints. My grievance was just a formality to ensure the harassment stopped once I transferred out of the department. Because I was heading places.
I had tons of notes. First rule of management: if it’s not in writing it didn’t happen. So I kept good notes.
But Rachel kept laughing.
I asked the Lady why. She said Rachel was connected to a Irek Kusmierczyk, a sitting MP in the federal government.
I knew I needed get away from Rachel if I wanted to further my career. I had been interviewing with a different ministry and meeting with other managers. I had just been named Co-lead of an organization focused on training future leaders. It was only a matter of time before I go to safety.
And then something odd happened.
Rachel blocked my move.
Rachel told the other department that despite how I had placed in the interview, they couldn’t have me. She said I was too essential and there was no way the department could lose me. And then a few weeks later in December 2022, she fired me.
That seems odd, right? It seemed racist, but I couldn’t prove it. So I kept going.
After they fired me, they withheld severance and refused to talk to Service Canada. They refused to release a record of employment. But it was no problem. I was told to relax because my grievance date was only a few weeks away. I was certain to get my job back because it was so clear.
Only they never offered my job back. Despite my perfect record and a life time of getting ready for leadership, one white woman decided I wasn’t worthy. She harassed me because she enjoyed it.
But she didn’t destroy my life. She gave me the opportunity of the lifetime. Now I have firsthand knowledge of how governments suppress information they don’t want out because I questioned a racist email.
Reporting racism is exactly like reporting on UFOS.
They refused to tell me why I was fired. Instead, they offered $7000 if I signed a nondisclosure agreement. I told them to fuck off. It is illegal to fire people for speaking out about being harassed. It’s unforgivable when it’s the province doing. The province sets the laws. If they aren’t following them, why would anyone else. When I said that, they went low.
Management said I was a violent thug who had attacked women at work and stalked a manager’s child. They said they filled a police report that I was sending inappropriate videos to an underaged child.
Again, anyone that knows me understand my feelings about pedophiles. That, was when I got angry. I might have let if go if it wasn’t for that. But seeing how willing your were to manufacture evidence it didn’t make sense. At the grievance meeting, leadership could have said there’s obvious a conflict here. Based on Joseph’s employment record, he’s amazing. Let’s transfer him. But no.
I calculated how much money they were stealing from me by doing this. I said I would stay silent for that. I am a gay man of colour in my 50s with chronic illness because I got COVID while working at ODSP. My career options were limited. And they offered $7000 after blatantly breaking the law.
Again, I couldn’t tell them I was psychic. I couldn’t tell them what was coming. I just warned them this would look bad in the near future.
At the end of first grievance meeting, in January 2023, I was told we would start hearing testimony at the next meeting. And then the next meeting was delayed. And then delayed again. We did not start entering evidence until late 2024. It was expected to last another year.
And still, no one had looked at the racist email.
The union refused to answer emails so I filed with the labour relations board. I went public on social media and reached out to news agencies.
I had dated Dan MacDonald years ago and we had several friends. Dan has a family member inside the office I worked in. If he had shared my story, I could hae kept my job and saved my house. But he stayed silent.
So I went to his manager, Melissa Schultz. Melissa and I have a few mutual friends and she also knows someone who worked in the office. Both could easily confirm what I was saying was true. But they stayed silent.
I started to wonder if I really was invisible.
I was stunned to learn the phrase failure to represent originated because unions, historically, do not support black workers. I didn’t want to believe systemic racism still had this much power in the system. But the evidence was adding up.
I watched as government employees destroyed evidence, altered reports, had lawyers send threatening emails and interfere with my book promotions years after I was fired. And then Rachel did something I could never have done on my own.
She proved beyond a reasonable doubt that I got COVID at work because managers were not following provincial guidelines. They allowed a sick man into the office. He sat beside me. I got COVID and was left disabled. Rachel submitted that evidence. Weird choice. But thanks.
You set the entire system against me to prove that systemic racism against black people is not real. You don’t see the problem with that?
So what is the secret? How do government hide information they won’t want you to see? How do they bury evidence?
They don’t write it down. It’s that simple.
Rachel admitted on the first day many workers had complained about her racist behaviour. She said she told her manager, Melissa, but the complaints never moved forward. Then her lawyer said let’s admit there is racism but ignore it. I wish was joking. They admitted the manager was racist and had fired me because she was racist from a unionized job working for the province in the city where Martin Luther King was inspired to write his I have a dream speech.
And I was just going to let it go.
The sad part is, the arbitrator did. Dale made a conscious decision not to write down the racist things Rachel said. I reminded her I had recorded the meeting and the video of the racist comments was currently being shared on the screen for everyone to see. She blinked and said she saw nothing.
At that point, I had no choice but to take money and try something else. It was clear they had no intention of the following the law. They didn’t care how much evidence I had. They never did. It was all a game. And I’m telling others so they you don’t waste your time.
A magician takes his oaths seriously. I swore an oath to the people of Ontario, not Rachel. I believe you have a right to know what your government is doing. Because they are hiding much more than racism
Change is coming.
We still have time to stop them now. But we have to face reality. Together.